Saturday, July 17, 2010

Just a thought (or two): Summer Disclaimer

As you may have noticed, we're nearing a month since my last post here at BMC. Oh sure, I've got plenty of stuff I've been meaning to put up here, but as the old saying goes, "The road to the Cell is paved with good intentions."

I feel that before I get back to posting the usual blathering and just adding in a bunch of repetitive apologies, I could just admit right now that summertime has not been a peak time for posting since the inaugural year of this blog for a variety of reasons—first and foremost being that, well, it's the fucking summer and I should be getting out of the house.

That's not to say there's been a real bevy of memorable activity this summer, as—keeping with another fine recurring BMC theme—I've been spending most of my time frantically searching for work since losing my job some time around Valentine's Day. I suppose I could get excited about certain interviews or whine about calls not being returned, but in all honesty, I just don't see the point. There's been some progress and signs of hope in recent weeks, and we'll leave it at that until there's actually an offer.

And as you can probably guess, having no job (as well as no driver's license—not to mention that this is all while living in your parents' basement) effectively translates to no interest* from the ladies either my current disbelief about some very good fortune as well as not wanting to jinx my chances with the one girl I'm interested in and am still awestruck would be interested in me*. So cue my theme song, I guess.

Truth be told, my writing has been suffering this summer because I've actually spent more time pretending to be something of an artiste. I suppose this is what happens when you finally clear several years-old magazines and newspapers off a counter-top-sort-of-thing (what was I just saying about my writing suffering?) in the bedroom that happens to be just perfect to sketch on. And so besides the half-truth about drawing being more of an outlet for self-expression than my writing, there's also just the matter of it being a helluva lot cooler (temperature-wise) in that basement than up here in the computer room where I believe Hitler once cooked Jews**.

I suppose if you're one of the 13 four three followers who actually reads this horseshit, you're going to ask where the pictures of this artwork are—and if you happen to be my sister, then you're probably wondering where those pictures you took of the older artwork that I seemed to think was SOOOOOOO important a few months ago also are. And my answer is something about patience being a virtue***, because I've been told that so many goddamn times in the last six or seven months I could puke blood.

And besides, I'm saving those random old artwork posts for football season when I need something to put in between the inevitable slew of meaningless numbers I spend entirely too much time on and predictions nobody really cares about anyway. So good things come to those who wait****—or at least I've heard that one a million and a half times too, so why not pass along that insight.

The bottom line here, of course, would be that I'll be aiming to catch up on more than a few things in the coming months. But now seems like an ideal time to just flat-out say that summer is not currently, probably won't ever be, nor has it ever really been in the past few years, a prime time for posting here at BMC. I don't expect anybody to lose any sleep over this, but at least wanted something to refer back to in future summers when I'm rich (but not famous, of course—wouldn't want that) and busy being blown on a beach or something—and still not posting much.

If nothing else, at least I'm not doing the empty threat about deleting the blog to get pity comments. Hope all three of you are having a wonderful summer.

* - This is a total lie——well, partial lie ... OK, it's kinda complicated. Toldja it was complicated——but not necessarily in a bad way. It at least deserves its own post where I'm not being as self-effacing/self-pitying as I'm being with this post most posts, since it could genuinely be considered the most wonderful highlight of my summer so far——if not my entire year.
** - This is probably a total lie, although Mom's B.O. would make you think there really are rotting corpses (not necessarily Jewish) up here.
*** - This has always sounded like a lie, although I'm trying to believe it's possible. 
**** - I'll actually believe this one when I'm able to afford an iPhone and pay much less for it than the saps who had to get one immediately so they could have something new (yet still mundane) for their Facebook statuses.

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