As I said back in June after our daughter came into this world, certain "annual" posts were probably going to be abandoned. And while I included the Oscar predictions I've been making for more than two decades as a category that would be among those that would be safe, I did not realize until late this afternoon that Academy Award nominations are getting announced tomorrow morning. As you might guess, I haven't gotten out to the movies very much, what with a baby and all (although Mom says little Lucy has actually slept peacefully through the two films she took her to).
So it is with some regret that I post this notice that I will not be doing my semi-usual posting of predicted nominees. I have not been following the race at all this year and I would basically be regurgitating the predictions made by two or three other "experts" I read. It was fun in the past to spend these evenings putting together the gold-bracketed pictures of expected nominees and then changing the colors to the lime green that corresponded to correct guesses or red for wrong ones. But that will not be the case this year.
I am not writing off the idea of making the predictions for the actual show next month (it is still in February, right?), but this appears to be another BMC casualty as part of the adjustment to real life in which taking care of a baby, cleaning a house, and other obligations take priority. Rest assured, I'll be getting the football picks up before the weekend because, you know, that's damn important.
I have no rooting interest in this year's Oscar race, nor do I expect for the wife and I to make an effort to see all the nominated films in a month's time seeing as I still haven't seen 12 Years a Slave—as well as many other nominees of years even further back than that. I don't think I've been able to put together a ballot of my own since 2011. So I'm clearly just not the movie buff I once was, or the blogger for that matter.
Make no mistake though. Life is good here. And getting better. I'll look forward to it being a big deal when I return to posting nominee predictions next year. Or in two years. Or five. Or 25. Whatever.
Schumer Fucked It All Up
Here's the thing that's bugged the shit out of me about Senate Minority
Leader Chuck Schumer's betrayal of Democrats in supporting cloture on the
38 minutes ago
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