Thursday, March 23, 2006

Just What I Needed

Ah, good ol' Pat Robertson. Whenever I need a shot of right-wing lunacy to make me wince, and then blurt out in laughter, he'll always be there.

That's not to forget the honest efforts of one Mary Laney, whose typically FOX-ified view of the world inspired her to pen a column discussing the horrors some of her acquaintances are experiencing with those evil liberal professors on college campuses. Not surprisingly, some people called her out:

In regard to Mary Laney's alarm bell ringing at the thought of yet more
high school graduates being subjected to their liberal university professors'
tyranny [''Parents are right to fear kids' liberal profs,'' column, March 6]:
Ever wonder why the more educated people are, the more liberal they are? Think
there might be a correlation?

By the way, I haven't noticed the liberal, latte-sipping dictatorship
rubbing off on our country's choice of leaders, so she should keep her sobbing
to herself.

Irina Hynes,


Or, better yet:

Mary Laney's friends who are worried about their college-bound children
falling into the intellectual clutches of evil left-wing professors [''Parents
are right to fear kids' liberal profs,'' column, March 6] can't be very
confident about their own child-rearing skills. They do, after all, have 18 or
19 years to spend indoctrinating the little darlings in their own political
views before sending them off for higher learning.

Thomas W. Evans,


But again, back to Pat. Discussing the same subject with equally nutty David Horowitz (who, in the past, has offered such insights as there being "50,000 professors" who "identify with the terrorists" or that liberals "do have a big problem with decent, law-abiding American Christians") on the 700 Club, Robertson compared liberal professors to "termites" and apparently concluded some of them are "killers." So, the message is to "be on alert" for these demons brainwashing your children. Dear God, indeed.

No wonder Hugo Chavez laughs this guy off.

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