Monday, January 15, 2018


Well, we're down to a mere four teams in the NFL Playoffs, and I honestly have no idea how my predictions have fared because I honestly don't remember making many. My guess is that if I had posted them, I would've largely gone with most of the favorites and probably not done very well. That seems to be the way these things usually work.

Truth be told, the sports predictions that account for most of (if not all) of this blog's posts simply aren't all that important to me anymore. It's not that I don't still try to watch most of these regular events I rushed to post predictions for, but I've just got a lot of other things that can take precedence. Like yesterday, for example, I left a co-worker's house while the Saints trailed 17-0 to attend an AA meeting, thinking the game was nowhere near as competitive as originally anticipated.

I walked in late to said meeting because I had to listen to this happen on the radio:

In years past, missing this might have been the source of several days of regret and frustration. Now, it's almost comical. Life is funny that way.

I don't want to do the search, but I'm quite confident that I've posted on multiple occasions about trying to figure out what I want to do with this blog. And now that sports predictions have tapered off, I don't really know what else I'm interested in posting here. Maybe something will come to me. Maybe this will be the place that I just vent about shit that's too long for Twitter.

I don't know, but I don't really care either. It's amazing that this blog has "lasted" as long as it has, quite frankly. I constantly toyed with the idea of dedicating more space to my daughter, but I figure the Facebook photos are usually sufficient enough to not be oversharing. I don't know that I want to blog about anything relating to my job. I'm very much still figuring out what I'm actually going to do that pays the bills.

That is not to say that times are bad right now or anything, but they just aren't as cozy as they were for most of last year. There's new challenges that have arisen, but they're not insurmountable. They're just going to take some time. Who knows? Maybe something will be worth blogging about.

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