Monday, February 20, 2006

They all love Dick

I imagine you're just as sickened by what's been coming out of Dick Cheney's accidental shooting as I am. Whittington's apology to the V.P. was pretty gag-inducing on its own, but can't those carrying water for the administration get their story straight? If the response to Peter Daou's challenge to bloggers on the right is any indication, then the answer is apparently not.

Perhaps someone can tell me what the odds are of being shot by an elected official. If it's similar to the chances of being struck by lightning, then that's about as likely as being killed by international terrorists:

Yet even if you include the 9/11 casualties, the number of Americans killed by
international terrorists since the late 1960s (which is when the State
Department began counting them) is about the same as that killed by lightning -
or by accident-causing deer, or by severe allergic reactions to peanuts.

"Accident-causing deer" totaled two of my father's cars, if I recall correctly.

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