It's a very exciting day, of course, because this little blog is now officially two years old. Oh sure, when I'd started this thing, the original idea was simply to throw up random numbers and statistics in the news. I hoped to continue doing what I had been doing at the time, which was finding amusing material for a sidebar entitled "Roamin' Numerals" in the commentary section I was editing at the time.
So, this blog began with that idea and, hence, the URL you see there was also the original name.
And while I saw no reason to write about myself, that, of course, inevitably happened. And then came the equally inevitable political rants, predictions about sports & the Academy Awards and just quick links to things I wanted to share but didn't feel like e-mailing people (sometimes).
Today, "Soapbox Central" has been somewhat usurped by the blog I'm keeping over on my MySpace. But now that this little baby is two years old, I'm wondering what I'll plan on doing with it.
We'll get back to that, but when I think back to some of the highlights from the first two years of "Soapbox," these were the posts that sprang to mind and allowed me to pretend I'm posting something new:
- People still doubt the truth of the "Little White Button"
- It took 29 years, but I finally conquered my fear of roller coasters
- You better recognize the importance of choral music, bitches
- Friday the 13th proved to be rather memorable
- I can make a Greek fire me by uttering just two words
- We're going to the Super Bowl! (... and losing ...)
- Halloween is not a "holiday" I'm particularly fond of
- Memo to overly loving couples: We don't think you're cute, just pathetic
- Apparently, even cats can get constipated
- Wait a minute—a member of a boy band is gay?!
- Please don't let me take any more sales jobs
- I may have had a roommate, apparently
- Sweet Lord, don't get me started on abortion
- I finally competed in the town's annual canoe race
- If I shave my chest again, boy, she better make it worth my while
- I finally graduated college ... and then proceeded to spend an entire week celebrating it
- And, of course, where it all began ...
There is a very good chance that I'm going to utilize MySpace for the personal shit, a new site for the commentary shit and "Soapbox" for, well, who knows.
Strap in, folks. If the next two years is half as interesting as the past two, we're in for another pretty fucking good ride.