Yeah, so I would normally include the couple paragraphs build-up before the jump and then go to the graphics to accompany the picks, but I'm strapped for time right now and ... well, there was a little additional work that prevented me from offering the usual take on each series I was predicting the outcome for, but I would say that the picks this year were definitely on the safer side. Indeed, I couldn't bring myself to go against any of the teams that had more points in the regular season, so there's two predicted outcomes with lower seeds that, more or less, everybody else is picking.
So far, that logic is not looking especially sound, albeit only a game or two into any series. Still, probably because this is the first time in many years that I am living in a house with cable (or maybe because of the additional coverage provided by NBC's new channel, formerly known as Versus), the playoffs have effectively captured my undivided attention. This past Thursday night, with two opening games going into overtime—at the same time the Bulls and Heat were about to go into overtime—was an unbelievably thrilling night to be playing with the remote. And I have been—and likely, will be—staying up until damn near midnight watching the late games on the west coast. I never caught "March Madness," but I can't seem to shake whatever the hell I've got now.