Still, the past few experiences using MySpace's blogging software have been nothing short of maddening. Clearly, my interest in even signing on has dwindled ever since I was introduced to Tumblr back in September. Its simplicity is refreshing and it's no wonder to me why I and many others opt to "blog" over there, if that's what you want to call it.

Oh, sorry—the original title was still there. Maybe I'll use it in a future blog post recapping the weekend, but I doubt it.
I long ago came to loathe the folks who either on MySpace or Tumblr or any similar spot, really, felt compelled to announce their intention to delete the account. The call for attention was always the same threatening nature and I sincerely hoped that the person in question got what they wanted, but ultimately, I saw the same thing so often that I stopped caring. "Go ahead and delete yourself," I thought. "You can be replaced."
But I'm finally calling it quits on blogging at MySpace, which I believe is hardly a threat. If anything, I'm just holding out until the folks there can give me a reason to dedicate any more time to posts that cannot be saved as drafts during composition—as Tumblr and even Blogger here does. It's a logical safety net that we were often reminded when first learning about computers ("Save early and save often"), and yet the fine folks at MySpace seem to believe isn't worth the trouble. Good luck with that.
Do not, however, expect me to come away from this whole thing championing Facebook and singing those praises. As best I can tell from the two weeks I've had the account, the whole site is basically a MySpace 2.0, and I'm not particularly interested in going out and scrambling to reconnect with a bunch of people from my past. Counting friends still strikes me as being a total bore—and the return trip home last weekend with my ex actually insinuating that I had probably had more sexual partners than she has had made for some really interesting self-examination that I have often avoided ... but that's something I intended to elaborate on in closing out my story—before the whole thing disappeared, of course.
Maybe I'll come back to the thought another day.
I've had some recent ideas for posts relating to things other than sports for BMC here, but I really wanted to leave the blog up for a few days with the ten most recent posts being entirely my predictions and comments about the NBA and NHL playoffs that I felt represented the beginning of summer (I just liked the way it looked, I guess ... sue me). Now that those are over, I'm ready to start putting more stuff up here since—unlike MySpace—I was able to save the ideas for a rainy day or some late night spell of boredom.
The forecast is calling for showers this week. And I'm an occasional insomniac.
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