Holy shit! Are we really halfway through April all ready? Is it "all ready" or "already" that's grammatically correct? And why have I only now started to wonder about that?
I blame it all on what I just told another friend has been a "severe case of writer's block"—which is, of course, total and utter horse shit. It usually is. I am physically capable of writing something, I'm just not particularly as passionate about any of my ideas at the moment to put the time into any sort of creative project like, say, a screenplay or (if you're one of three married women I know) a book.
No, especially not as of late when baseball season's started back up and between radio broadcasts of that or hockey, I've actually been far more satisfied—artistically speaking—spending time at the sketch pad instead of the keyboard. I sent out a couple of well-received projects for birthday gifts this month and am currently working on a somewhat more ambitious piece that I ... well, I don't know what I'll do with it quite yet.
Originally I intended to make it another gift for more of an IRL acquaintance I only met recently that has a personal anniversary date coming up, but I ... am just so confused, I guess. I've been spending too much time in recent weeks waiting for the phone to ring. That's not just with hopes that one of the four places I've got applications in at and are supposedly hiring will finally bring me on and get me out of this unemployment rut, but I also found myself taken aback by meeting one girl who actually asked for my number, asked if she could call me one weekend ... and still hasn't.
And so, like I've been putting it most of the week when I'm trying to downplay how much it actually bothers me, the girl I want to call me isn't and the girl I don't want to call me (READ: The ex—that one, for the record) is.
I suppose that might make for some interesting developments as we head into the summer, but there'll be posts aplenty coming before this month closes out—what with the NBA and NHL post-seasons kicking off. Last year, I deliberately posted nothing but my predictions during those months when the playoffs were going on, such that by the time they were over, the entire front page of my blog was the four rounds of predictions and the final thoughts for both seasons. But this year, I'll make the mistake of announcing my intentions to make sure that there's something between those rounds of predictions.
It'll be something hopefully more, you know, "inspired." I know, I know. I can hardly wait to get on that already/all ready.
Schumer Fucked It All Up
Here's the thing that's bugged the shit out of me about Senate Minority
Leader Chuck Schumer's betrayal of Democrats in supporting cloture on the
2 hours ago
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