Because this blog will be dominated by football-related content for the next five months, your author has decided to make an effort to regularly post pictures his lovely and talented sister took of some of his artwork. These posts will include a brief thought or two about when the piece was made.
This week: Scraps used to make a portrait of Sarah Michelle Gellar
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT IT: Since the folks are out in the Big Apple this weekend to visit sis and her family a week after my nephew's first birthday, I thought this would be the appropriate week to run this. I can't remember exactly when I made it, but I'm going to have to guess it was somewhere between 1997 and 1998, when Buffy the Vampire Slayer was in its first three seasons and my fandom for the show was probably at its peak.
Also, the piece was given to my sister to take home with them the last time she visited with the young 'un as her and bro-in-law found that waving this piece of artwork around and saying "Sarah Michelle" seemed to calm the little one down when he was being strapped into a car seat. I always thought these types of pieces could look pretty cool, so it was nice to make one on my own. And the fact that it revolved around Buffy, of course, was fitting.
WHAT STILL KINDA BUGS ME ABOUT IT: I hate the background. I could have put a little more time into making it something other than just an assortment of random patterns. Also, Gellar's hair could flow together a little better. Considering the bar (or whatever her hand is supposed to be gripped around in the piece) is one large solid cut, there's a lot of ideas I could have better toyed with.
Schumer Fucked It All Up
Here's the thing that's bugged the shit out of me about Senate Minority
Leader Chuck Schumer's betrayal of Democrats in supporting cloture on the
2 hours ago
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