Sunday, February 06, 2011

Things I made while offline: Dirk Nowitzki

Because this blog will be dominated by football-related content for the next five months, your author has decided to make an effort to regularly post pictures his lovely and talented sister took of some of his artwork. These posts will include a brief thought or two about when the piece was made. 

This week: A pencil & charcoal collage of images of Dallas Mavericks forward Dirk Nowitzki

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT IT: So before I decided to draw up pieces for a couple of the other friends I'd made on Tumblr, I labored at this piece for ™'s birthday. I started collecting photos and laying out a design after she had sent me a little sweets package for Valentine's Day and was determined mostly just to have her admire any artistic talent I might still have left. Seeing as this was the first large project I'd made in quite some time, this piece took considerably more time than I had anticipated. But since I started on it in February, the six or so weeks it took to complete still gave me enough time to ensure that I had it in the mail before her birthday in April.

Overall, my favorite portions of the piece have to be the first and last images I drew: first being the one in the upper-left corner, a picture I had to assign a new head to only after realizing how little detail there was in the head of the shot I had based the body on; and the last being the lower-right corner, which I considered to be the best actual resemblance to Dirk of any of the images used.

Also, I still like the eyes and face in the background of the entire thing, an idea that wasn't originally planned but came to me after I decided that I needed something to change how dark the whole piece looked without it.

WHAT STILL KINDA BUGS ME ABOUT IT: I remember being very concerned whether this was going to be a little too over-the-top when I first sent it to ™, thinking that almost certainly the project could be viewed as the work of a total online creep. Fortunately, as you can probably guess, it was appreciated more than I could have hoped for—also helping inspire me to crank out those two other projects I posted in the previous weeks, although this one took more time by far than both of those combined.

And while I didn't stoop to the tracing method I employed for the Al Pacino piece, I do sort of wish I had made use of that for certain spots on this Dirk project—notably the Mavericks logos that have a couple small errors and a few of the faces where eyes still seem crooked to me. There also seems to be more black space on the bottom than the top because of the level of close-ups, so I sort of wish I had, say, flip-flopped the placement of either the left or right upper and lower corners.


tara marie said...
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tara marie said...

I adored (adore) everything about this.

Best. Birthday. Present. Ever.

Well, soooo far...