Your author is hard-pressed to think of something that can cause an immediate loss of interest quite like hearing about someone's fantasy team. Having friends and co-workers recite their rosters with no real purpose other than to gloat about conquering leagues you're not involved in seems quite banal and pointless, no?
That said, the author knows full well that you the dear reader probably also couldn't give two shits about whatever fantasy team he's gone and created after so many years of taking that road less traveled where non-participation seemed cooler. Now the author has multiple fantasy teams, and while he tries mightily not to bring those into the other posts here on BMC that you might actually read, every once in a while, if for no other purpose than to help him remember who he had on such teams in a given year, he likes to keep a recorded entry of how he's done.
This is one of those times. Your non-interest in the remainder of this post is understood.
That said, the author knows full well that you the dear reader probably also couldn't give two shits about whatever fantasy team he's gone and created after so many years of taking that road less traveled where non-participation seemed cooler. Now the author has multiple fantasy teams, and while he tries mightily not to bring those into the other posts here on BMC that you might actually read, every once in a while, if for no other purpose than to help him remember who he had on such teams in a given year, he likes to keep a recorded entry of how he's done.
This is one of those times. Your non-interest in the remainder of this post is understood.
Alas, we reached the end of the fantasy football season. So no more fantasy updates for a while. Honestly. I swear.
Anyway, here's the moves I made between the last update and the end of the season:
On the year, I was far and away the most active owner on the waiver wire:
So in Week 15, I played the No. 4 team that I'd already beaten twice during the year. My victory over that team in the semifinals was my narrowest win over that same opponent in any of the three time we met:
And then in the Finals, I met a team I'd already lost to twice during the regular season. So my hope was that I could finally turn my luck around, although a quick look over his roster didn't have me brimming with hope. Matters weren't helped any by his two Pittsburgh representatives amassing more than 40 points in the first game of the week. Nor was I helped any by Jon Kitna, the QB I finally settled on in one of my biggest decisions of the week, going down in the second quarter of the Christmas game after throwing two picks to start the game. Needless to say, I was forced to settle for being the runner-up:
So at least I was a participant in this championship bracket, and here's how that looked:
Thus, the final standings weren't wildly different from the regular season's:
I didn't finish as spectacularly over in the Yahoo league, but I did rank in the best eight out of the dozen teams, so at least I still got to play.
Here were the final transactions I made over there:
As the No. 6 seed, I faced the No. 7 in the consolation bracket and guaranteed I'd finish no worse than the seed with which I entered, thanks to Phillip Rivers and Cedric Benson both having 20+ point performances:
Unfortunately, my opponent that had been ranked No. 8 coming into these playoffs, got seven double-digit performances from his starters compared to my three. So after beating them (convincingly) in Week Three and losing to them in Week 14, they took the rubber match:
The consolation bracket thus ended up looking like this:
And unlike the Tumblr league where there was little shakeup, the Yahoo league saw quite a bit of shifting around:

You'll also notice that my title on most moves made was actually much, much closer in the Yahoo league.
And where fantasy football ends, fantasy basketball obviously continues. And while I'm not bothering posting with the weekly results here anymore, these are the current standings after 10 weeks:
As you can see, I've jumped out to a commanding lead in the roster moves in this league. Many were during the break since the last update:
And with that, folks, I'm concluding the fantasy updates for a good while now. I'm guessing this segment will probably return in March or April, depending on whether a fantasy baseball draft or fantasy basketball playoffs come first.
I thought that maybe finally having a winning season and making it all the way to one league's fantasy version of the Super Bowl would be more exciting than last year's total FAIL for my inaugural run, but as it turns out, it's every bit as boring to write about as it is to listen to.
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