There's the part of me that just wants to refer back to what I said a little over a year ago at this time when I recognized that there's typically a lull in posting during the summer. But even looking back on that post, it's hard to believe that I wasn't writing more often when I didn't have a regular job at that point. And perhaps most surprising would be that I still had no idea that what was going on between ™ and I would lead me to being here right now living with her in Austin. It's all still very incredible.
I've wanted to write about a number of things that have happened over the past couple months, like the short visit from my parents or the weekend her siblings spent here, but alas ... this is the first time I've had enough time to really sit with my laptop and pound out a few thoughts. Don't get me wrong; when I last wrote about life down here in Texas, I was stressing about finding a job. Of course, a few weeks later, I got one. And now it eats up a majority of my week. This is how life works, I'm told.
While I usually tend to whine and bitch about still waiting tables when I'm now five years removed from having graduated college, let's face it: In this economy, you're grateful for any job you can get. And remembering how I spent six months getting rejected or even getting called back for the many jobs I applied for, I need to remain grateful that the first place that called me back here ended up being a real step up for me. I'm a few years removed from fine dining, so it's been quite the shift in gears. But the saving grace here beyond just the basic employment is that even in this slow time of year for this area, the money's still pretty respectable. And it's going to get better.
I remember tossing my tuxedo shirts into one of the three boxes of clothing I donated to Goodwill before I moved, thinking I certainly wouldn't be taking any job that required one. And sure enough, that ended up being one of the uniform components the very first gig I got. Still, my last job in Illinois was a family restaurant that had been a staple in the area for senior citizens and it was yet another breakfast-heavy gig where guests threw you a few bucks and you hoped that at the end of the day the heavy turnover added up to enough to make you feel worth more than the less-than-human personal servant most customers seemed to treat you like.
Now, at least, guests treat me with a bit more dignity. The prices are higher, so I can theoretically make as much on one large party as I would on an entire double at the old job. I'm doing wine presentations again. For once, I'm not the only person using a pepper mill. Like I said, there's all sorts of upsides to this job.
But then there's BMC here. And while I worry that it's already been getting neglected so soon into this move when the business is "slow," what's going to happen when there's more tables being seated at the restaurant? My last quarterly update for one of the Four Bs was reduced to just the graphic and a screenshot of the standings. Is the old template doomed? And Lord oh Lord, however will I find the time to keep up the weekly football postings?
Deep breath though. Sure, this could be beyond the basic apology for lack of new material during the summer. It could possibly be a post that acknowledges the usual posting I've tried to do throughout the year for the past, oh, three years might now have to change.
But hopefully, this ends up just being a little bump in the blogging road that coincides with life's pace picking up a bit (hence, that stock photo, you see). Maybe I'm just being melodramatic. I'm still hoping to write up something about those visits from the folks and the little kids. I'll be trying to get a driver's license again in the next few weeks, which should almost certainly be a saga (with a triumphant ending, we hope). I guess I just really wanted to say something here now. It's not that life's bad by any means or that there's nothing at all worth writing about, it's just that all that time I used to have solely to myself to sit by my lonesome at a computer now gets spent primarily at the new job or with the woman I love.
So like I said, not bad in any way. It's just different. BMC won't be going away. Its usual schedule might just be getting a little different too.
Schumer Fucked It All Up
Here's the thing that's bugged the shit out of me about Senate Minority
Leader Chuck Schumer's betrayal of Democrats in supporting cloture on the
38 minutes ago
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