I know Gore blew it in 2000 by losing his home fucking state—as well as Clinton's too—but at the rate Bush—and Iraq—is going, I don't expect any Republican without a teriffically deceptive Karl Rove smear campaign to have any hope ... whatsoever.
So Feingold basically just told the Congress to take their asinine "gay marriage" amendment to our constitution, roll it up, and go fuck themselves with it. Mad props, Russ.
Hell, even Dick Cheney's daughter—an obvious supporter of our current misguided policy—said this is "writing discrimination into the constitution." It's pathetic, I tell you.
And here is exactly why: For all this B.S. about marriage being, you know, "sacred" between a man and a woman—we have done everything possible to undermine that message. Want to get married on a whim—via a drive-thru—in Las Vegas? Fine. On TV without actually meeting the person? Even better.
It's a privelege for those of us who are, you know, "straight."
We've reduced marriage to such a joke, suddenly protecting it as something—ahem, "sacred," couldn't be more ludicrous. Or dishonest. Or disgusting. You get the idea.

The divorce rate, by the way, for American couples is, oh, just about half-and-half at best.
I have relatives who have continued to maintain their homosexual relationships for far, far longer than many of the failed heterosexual unions I have attended to celebrate.
I say this as a person who couldn't give a shit less about marriage in general, but I also say this as a person that hopes that one day we can finally realize who you're sleeping with—regardless of their sexual orienatation—is important to you and only you.
That's love at its most fundamental basis, and no law can determine it because only you know what that is.
I am completely positive our Founding Fathers had the exact same thing in mind when they killed off the people that created this nation.
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