Saturday, January 08, 2011

Things I made while offline: Old Surfer Guy

Because this blog will be dominated by football-related content for the next five months, your author has decided to make an effort to regularly post pictures his lovely and talented sister took of some of his artwork. These posts will include a brief thought or two about when the piece was made. 

This week: An ink & color pencil comic book cover of my Old Surfer Guy character 

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT IT: While this particular piece was obviously made in in 1996, Old Surfer Guy was one of many my attempts at creating my own comic book character. The interest in comic books probably took its strongest hold my freshman or sophomore year of high school, and while I had various stabs at different rip-offs of other successful comics, Old Surfer Guy (or "OSG") was probably the one I stuck with and actually made more than one issue of.

This particular cover is actually one of the attempts to restart the series, something I probably did several times. The longest-running storyline with OSG was actually done in one of my notebooks during study hall which I passed around that hour for the amusements of fellow classmates.

But of all the times I drew OSG, this cover is one of the few items that still remain. His story found his trapped on a desert island and I gave him a talking surfboard boogie board sidekick named Reuben, although when I realized there would be the need for more characters, I had a mini-mall suddenly sprout up on the island.

Other relics I still have from the OSG era also include a T-shirt based on this cover:

And before I went over the top with OSG's muscular physique, here's a few sketches still in my book from when I was concentrating on accentuating his thrusting shin more and trying to give him more faces:

I still enjoy that I gave him black socks, as though that were the definitive sign of being an old man—and now wear black socks just as often as white ones myself.

WHAT STILL KINDA BUGS ME ABOUT IT: Not being able to locate more of the comics I made featuring him. Instead, I come across other characters that never got past a first issue.

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