Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Things I made while offline: The Superhero Factory

Because this blog will be dominated by football-related content for the next five months, your author has decided to make an effort to regularly post pictures his lovely and talented sister took of some of his artwork. These posts will include a brief thought or two about when the piece was made. 

This week: An ink & color pencil drawing of a Superhero-producing factory 

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT IT: This was another piece made some time presumably when I was in high school, but I'd guess around 1992 when the Mortal Kombat arcade game was at the height of its popularity since a number of the original characters appear in here.

Overall, the assignment involved showing some kind of change, and I used criminals being dropped into a machine, being given new brains, new attire, put into shape, taught morals, given superpowers, undergo skills training and finally cosmetic surgery before flying off to do good.

I think the transition is pretty well laid out and flows effectively. 

WHAT STILL KINDA BUGS ME ABOUT IT: The Mortal Kombat references now seem quite dated. And I also don't think the details of this particular piece are quite as viewable online.

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