"Funny" would be the wrong word to use, but here we are again one year after Malcolm Gladwell had an article published in the New Yorker asking, "
How different are dogfighting and football?" And now that the NFL is talking about stricter penalties for
devastating hits "
flagrant and egregious violations" of current rules after a weekend in which
those types of hits most of us have come to love football precisely for garnered an
awful lot of attention, the Gladwell piece seems even more relevant.
Of course, I consider myself to be one of the more fortunate ones who never played the sport on any competitive level other than pick-up games and my experience with the sport has never placed me any closer to it than being on the sidelines for covering high school games. I suppose that might make me less of a man to the more macho types, but I've seen Alzheimer's and thanks, but I'd rather avoid anything that seems more likely to cause my brain to take on those characteristics.
Of course, you wouldn't know how healthy my brain is by some of my picks this year. Actually, looking back on how I was faring at this point in the season last year, the
71 points I earned with
my picks last week brings me to a total that is nearly 100 points behind what I had
back then. My brain cites this season being more unpredictable than last, obviously.