Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hump Day

I got into probably the meanest fight I've gotten into with the lady so far, but I suppose we were due by now for a really good one. I actually said I wanted to call it quits at one point, but that was over the phone, so of course it didn't really count. Twenty minutes later, she was over at my house and sure enough, there I was in the passenger seat of the car saying, "Do you want to go inside and make out and have make-up sex?"

It's almost worth the fighting just for that.

Then we went and had dinner out in Aurora at a franchise restaurant where I the manager on duty was a server I worked with more than a decade ago and the kitchen manager had the same position at a different location when I worked with him for the franchise about seven years ago.

It was an awful night for our server, who had the unfortunate luck of a food runner confusing our order with the table next to us. I got my rare sirloin with cheddar mashed potatoes, so I didn't have any reason to complain, but the lady didn't get her half rack of ribs to go with what was a much larger steak than she'd ordered. The bill had far too much comped off of it for what was far too much food, but we made sure to take care of the server.

I'd like to think everybody had a good day.

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